old gemstone blogs

You may not know this about me, but I love sharing information about gemstones... writing about them here lets me share information that will hopefully help you become a more informed gemstone buyer.

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Sally x

Psilomelane - the most stunning stone...

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Another gem from my little box of treasures… 

Look at the colour zoning on this unusual and rare stone – it is Psilomelane, or Crown of Silver Psilomelane after the Silver Crown Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico where it was found.

While psilomelane has been found in a couple of places in the US, and in small areas of Europe, Africa, and Australia, it is a rare stone.

Psilomelane is a group name for hard, black manganese oxides and this particular stone has a silvery, metallic lustre ‘wood grain’ pattern through the deep black - apparently it is horrible to cut and polish!

It is a stunning stone and with a hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs’ scale would be suitable for making into a pendant or brooch. 

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