old gemstone blogs

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Sally x

Angelic seraphinite...

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Another unusual gem for today – Seraphinite. 

The trade name for this dark green, dense, fine-grained variety of clinochlore comes from the chatoyant silvery inclusions of mica that resemble the feathers of a seraphim angels’ wings.

While originally mined in Russia, deposits have also been found in Turkey, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and the United States.

With a hardness of 2-2.5 on the Mohs’ scale and perfect cleavage this stone is not suitable for rings or bracelets and jewellers will need to treat them with respect while working with them!

In an attempt to improve their durability, they may be impregnated with resin which goes some way to improving their suitability for use in jewellery.

Whether you choose this stone in a piece of jewellery or as a stone for your collection (treasure box!), you will enjoy the beauty of watching light moving backwards and forwards across the mica inclusions – a beautiful stone.

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