Introduction to Gemmology day

Introduction to gemmology...
This one-day course will introduce you to the fascinating world of gemmology and gemstones as well as explaining how the characteristics of different gemstones can be used by a gemmologist to identify them.
You will be taught how to use a 10x loupe to look at both internal and external features of gemstones and have the opportunity to look at a variety of different stones.
How to use some of the testing equipment used by gemmologists will be demonstrated and then you will have the opportunity to try them for yourself to see in practise some of the theory discussed during the day.
You will also be introduced to synthetic, imitation, treated and composite materials before having the opportunity to look at examples of these.
The final part of the day is spent looking at both synthetic and natural diamonds followed by the opportunity to look more closely at your own diamonds and learn a little more about them.
Are you
- a gem lover
- a jeweller who wants to know a bit more about the stones you are using in your work
- an antique dealer who would like to understand more about the stones you are seeing
why not spend a day with me learning a little about the tests gemmologists use to help identify gemstones, the science behind these tests and their results and have the opportunity to handle the stones and see this for yourself.
Dates and locations

Date tbc
Oakwood Centre, Woodley
Cost tbc

Date tbc
Civic Hall,
Cost tbc
Would you like me to come and teach this class for you?